Friday 10 September 2010

More examples of re-used BHW covers

Further to yesterday's post, Dirk has provided some more interesting examples of BHW covers being re-used for recent European westerns at Western romans

Note Google translator provided the following :

Recently, I have the English Black Horse Westerns (BHW) discovered. These are thin (160 pages) hardcover books, published by Robert Hale, who really only in the lending libraries are designed. The booklets are available from is new, but most second-hand copies are discarded from libraries. When I saw the covers of more titles from the BHW series looked, I noticed that there were some that were identical as in some novels of the famous western German author GF Unger. Many of these are paintings of the Spanish and illustrators Prieto Muriana Sanjulian. When I compared the covers a bit better I noticed that at the GF Unger cover often more visible than in the BHW-cover. Occasionally a woman is missing and often missing the outside of the painting. The women are probably omitted because Hale no sex in the BHW books will have (on the contrary has no objections brute force).

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